Forestry Landscape Restoration-FLR- Active
The Forest Landscape Restoration Project (FLRP) is a Programme of the WWF Zambia Country Office (WWFZCO) working in collaboration with the Zambia Community based Forum (ZCBNRMF).
It is an initiative of the ACP(African Caribbean Countries )group of states financed by European Union jointly implemented by International Union of Conservation of Nature(IUCN) and the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission(JCR).
The learning and action platform for community engagement against illegal wildlife trade (LEAP)’ is a three-year project running from July, 2018 to March 2020. The project is supporting work by the CBD and CITES on community engagement in IWT.Â
Many African Civil societies are limited in the  dissemination of their information due to the fact that they lack a well-balanced and equipped organization structure. They hold vital information but their core business is less felt.
project, funded by the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the Germany Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), is being implemented in Kalomo district of Southern Zambia.
However, most village-level groups are dysfunctional, and contributing little to achieving sustainability goals. Practical examples of local issues encountered by the CAPP partners over the past decade include overfishing, problems in addressing pollution from mining, addressing communities’ impacts of planned dam projects, land use and encroachment issues, as well as dealing with extensive deforestation and frequent droughts or excessive rains.